Saturday, July 13, 2019

How to Be a Successful Intern: 10 Tips for Being a Good Intern

How to Be a Successful Intern: 10 Tips for Being a Good Intern

If you will be interning soon (or are currently an intern) this is what you need to know to be a successful intern! I include advice for how to be a successful intern and how to have a good internship experience based on my past experiences from interning. I completed two internships during my college career and I was invited to stay on and continue interning at both companies after my initial internships ended. This would not have occurred if I was not a successful intern and so I wanted to share the internship tips with you! I wanted to provide information and advice and what I learned about being a good intern and I hope you find it helpful!
I also have a post with tips for how to get an internship, you can read it here!

Saturday, July 6, 2019

A Day in Rhode Island

Hi everyone, I hope that summer has been going well for you so far!

My family and I recently took a day trip down to Rhode Island to visit Newport and in specific, the Newport Car Museum as a father's dad present for my dad!

I have been to Newport a few times but there is so much to do and see there that I hope to visit again sometime within the next few months! I have explored a couple of the Newport Mansions but the rest are on my list of places to go!

I made a short vlog of my recent trip to Newport to the car museum and we also drove around and got dinner at a cool restaurant. *Vlog located at the end of the post!*