Monday, November 19, 2018

Fall Fashion Trends

Fall fashion means layers, cozy sweaters, and comfy yet cute clothes. Popular fall fashion trends of 2018 include distressed jeans with interesting hems and embellishments, statement jackets, and plaid pants. I have been seeing these top current trends everywhere! I think that many people like to reinvent their wardrobe in the fall time, myself included and it's a great time to try out new styles and trends!

Fall Fashion Trends 2018
I personally like fall fashion the best because of the aspect of layering. It is fun to build an outfit and incorporate many items together into a cohesive look. Many pieces are so versatile and can be worn in a multitude of ways. I am still working on experimenting with my style and getting out of my comfort zone though.

There are of course more than three trends for this season, however I wanted to touch on a few of the less basic ones. I don't mean basic in a bad way, I just mean that I wanted to talk about trends that are not fall staples every year such as riding boots, chunky sweaters, blanket scarves, etc. I do love those items and there's a reason why those items and others return year after year but as I mentioned I think of them more as fall essentials rather than trends. For this post I wanted to specifically focus on a few trends.

Understated Interesting Jeans

I needed to think of a title for this category that was not too long and I think that "Understated Interesting Jeans" is the best way to describe it lol. That is kind of overarching and broad but the definition I am giving it is jeans with slight distressing or simple additions that add a lot but are not in your face. Such as distressed hems, or hems with something special about them as well as jeans with a simple stripe on the side, etc. Jeans with some type of detail added but one that is subtle, yet elevates the jeans from being run of the mill "regular jeans". There is an added element to the jeans that adds interest but it is understated. I really like things in this vain because the extra detail may not be something that everyone notices at first.

Hopefully the images below illustrate my point well in case the paragraph above was confusing 🙈 lol. I think that "understated interesting jeans" add a nice and unexpected twist to and outfit and make it more unique!

Statement Jackets

Now based on the cover image for this blog post you might be thinking, "Emily, aren't leather jackets a basic? You're contradicting yourself". Well, you wouldn't be completely wrong but because I am not just saying that leather jackets themselves are a trend for this fall I do not think I am contradicting myself lol 😂. You may still feel as though I am and that's totally okay though. But I feel as though statement jackets have really been gaining popularity and to me statement jackets include leather jackets and teddy coats as well as Sherpa lined jackets which have been popping up a lot lately. I really like the fact that any one of these jacket options will keep you pretty warm while also adding a lot to your look. Sometimes, well actually most of the time items that are trendy are not usually practical, and this seems to happen a great deal especially during the colder seasons. However, this trend is cute and practical at the same time. It is also a really great way to express your personal style.

Jackets are one of my favorite pieces of clothing in general, aside from the obvious fact that they keep me warm (and I usually get very cold), I love that a jacket can completely change your look. You could be wearing the same outfit but give off completely different vibes based on what piece of outwear you are wearing. I think that jackets and coats are definitely worth investing in since you will be wearing the piece so often and when you're walking around the city and doing anything that you do outside when it's cold out you will have your outwear on the whole time for everyone to see. Due to this I like investing in good outwear. I think that it is important that it not only keeps you nice and warm but that it is also a reflection of your personal style!

Plaid & Striped Pants

Continuing with the theme of pieces that are statements and have added interest to them we have come to the final trend included in this fall fashion roundup. When I think of plaid I definitely think of fall and winter, festivities and cozy nights. I also think that wearing patterned pants is a bold move. I have embraced wearing flowy printed palazzo pants in the spring and summer time but have yet to conquer the hurdle of printed pants in the colder seasons. I am on a mission to do so as soon as I can though. It is a trend that I really like but I just haven't found the right pieces yet for me to take part in it. (I am going Black Friday shopping so hopefully I will find some options then!)

I do have a striped pair that I could style for fall but the material is pretty thin as they are pants made for the spring time. I think that striped pants are so sophisticated and provide such a classic look. They make me feel very put together and I feel like people know I mean business when I where them lol. I think they make people take me more seriously, as I would often wear them for events and final presentations, etc.

What trends have you been seeing and/or loving this fall? Please let me know in the comments!

Thank you so much for reading!

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